September 5, 2020 | Category: Civic Circle, Uncategorized

The Census deadline is fast approaching! It is very important that EVERYONE in your community gets counted before the September 30, 2020 deadline. The Census determines funding for social programs, school districts, hospitals and healthcare clinics, and more. The headcount is used to determine how many seats each state receives in the US House of Representatives.
Have you filled out the 2020 Census? What about your friends and neighbors? It is critical that your community receives the funding it deserves, especially during the time when many are relying on public services, properly counting underserved populations is hugely important!
3 Ways to Self-Respond
Call: 844-330-2020
By Mail: fill out the questionnaire that was sent to your home, mail it back to the bureau using the return envelope that came with the census
What happens if you don’t fill out the census?
Census takers (will wear masks and follow local public health guidelines) will visit homes that haven’t responded. Their goal is to help you and everyone in your home be counted in the 2020 Census.
There are less than 60 days until the November 3, 2020 election. Make a plan to vote today. Visit for the most up to date voting and election day information.
Register to vote/update your voter registration
Apply to vote absentee by mail
In-person early voting begins September 18, 2020
Virginia Progressive Leadership Project (VAPLP)
The Virginia Progressive Leadership Project is committed to creating a progressive leadership development model that works to address structural and racial inequities. This commitment includes, not only VAPLP’s responsibility to recruit and to train a Cohort of leaders that reflect the demographics of the Commonwealth, but also to develop a greater understanding among civic and community leaders of inequalities based on race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and citizenship. Nominate a leader or apply to be a member of VAPLP’s 7th cohort.
Stop Evictions in Virginia
More than 60 organizations, including many of our partners, across Virginia, took out a full-page ad in the Richmond Times-Dispatch to tell Governor Northam and the General Assembly to stop evictions and invest in a rent relief program that leaves no Virginian behind.

Week One
Governor’s Budget proposal to ensure all Virginians have safe and fair access to vote ahead of the November 3rd General Election
Prepaid postage: Governor Northam’s proposed budget sets aside $2 million for prepaid return postage on all absentee ballots sent out for the November 3rd General Election.
Drop off boxes and drop off locations: The Governor’s proposal includes language expressly permitting localities to use drop boxes or implement drop off locations for Virginians who choose to vote absentee, under security standards to be set by the Virginia Department of Elections.
Absentee cure process: This measure will ensure Virginians’ voting rights are protected by allowing them to fix an error on their absentee ballot.
Week Two
HB 5099 banning the use of no-knock warrants, also known as the #BreonnaTaylor bill
HB 5069 bans the use of neck restraints (chokeholds) by law enforcement
HB 5029 requires officers to intervene when witnessing excessive use of force by other officers
HB 5062 requires courts to grant motions to dismiss made by prosecutors, limiting a court’s ability to override that discretion
HB 5072 gives the Attorney General the ability to investigate law enforcement with systemic patterns of abuse
HB 5049 banning police from using tear gas and rubber bullets — so-called non lethal weapons
HB 5043 Creates teams of mental health service providers, peer recovery specialists, and law enforcement to help individuals in a crisis situation.
Week Three
House of Delegates
HB 5055 requires localities to establish civilian review panels for increased oversight of law enforcement agencies.
HB 5106 prohibits landlords from reporting negative credit information about tenants due to circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
HB 5013 ending qualified immunity for police
SB 5029 prohibit search and seizures based solely on the odor of marijuana
SB5017 would give Virginia health inspectors clear authority to enforce health and sanitary regulations at the Farmville and Caroline County detention centers in Virginia.

[PAID VOLUNTEER] Election Protection
We are just 60 days away from Election Day 2020! VCET works year-round to ensure Virginians have unencumbered access to the ballot and can cast their votes safely and without confusion or intimidation. Through a robust Election Protection program that focuses on day-of rapid response efforts to mitigate issues at polling locations, working with local election administrators to troubleshoot anticipated issues ahead of Election Day, and poll monitoring and voter assistance, we work to uphold voting rights and win increased access for Virginia voters.
We need your help to make sure every voter is informed and their rights are protected. This is a paid volunteer opportunity. Click here to learn more and apply!
[PAID VOLUNTEER] JMC Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Phone-Banking
Justice For Muslims Collective is recruiting volunteers who are interested in phonebanking to a universe of around 12,000 eligible voters including but not limited to Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) voters in DC, MD, VA.
This is a great fit for anyone interested in learning about voter engagement campaigns and is interested in using civic engagement to build political power among Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities. Link:
Development Manager, VCET
We are searching for a full-time Development Manager (DM). This is a newly reimagined position created to build a more intentional fundraising effort at VCET. Under the direction of the Executive Director (ED), the DM will support and execute all fundraising efforts at VCET. The position is based in Richmond, Virginia with flexibility for candidates in other parts of the state, and will be operating remotely until further notice. Please share this widely with folks who are interested, and eligible for this position.
Communications Director, NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia
NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia seeks a full-time Communications Director to be the “voice” of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, ensuring that the organization is on-message across all communications and digital media platforms while reaching multiple audiences, expanding the organization’s reach, connecting with underserved communities, and raising the profile of our issues in Virginia and nationally. Learn more about the position here!